TN50 | Experience and New Friends
Wednesday, September 27, 2017 - Permalink - 0 Miku(s)
     Hey ! been awhile editing and eating (lol) and i decides to do this post as my blog has NOTHING in here . Haha , so my friend and I were chosen to represent our school in MPKK a.k.a Majlis Perwakilan Kanak Kanak , which i'm so dumb and don't know how to translate this .

     We been for 3 days and 2 nights , nothing much talks about reality and country . Had a discussion with president of kids (?) i believe tho . Basically this meeting realizes me a few things ...

1 . Not easy to express your feelings
 - We were surrounding with intelligent and emcee ability people . They gave their opinion faster than a car , we need to adapt the surrounding by ourselves as other people need to take care of their own .

2. Ignorant and selfish
- A lot of people i found there were full of selfish as they have their own intention at there ;example , to be popular , to be well known , to be on television and lots more . Since it is my first time so i need to act stupid and asks a lotsA things .

3. Country and Corruption
- One of the tentative that caught my attention was that we can express our problem or represent our team and express a problem about this country or anything that unclear for example , the concept of learning and why corruption happens . Funny things , this matter were express by KIDS themselves to the government presenter and telling you that there were a few matter that been expressed were making the presenter flustered

     Urm.. i will just end this story here , since i don't gave much focus at there so there were so many context that i don't really understand . Haha , sorry pretty much i don't have time for that . Thank you for reading here some virtual candy for yah !